Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Me and my brother! (Year 06)

This was taken in Furama Hotel which my father is working in.It was my father friend's daughter wedding that day.The person sitting next to me is my younger brother.He is 3 years younger than me.I look fat in the picture because i think i ate too much that night.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Am I ?

My name is Rosanne but my friends love to call me 'Rox'. I am a mixed and i am 13 this year. I was from Henry Park Primary School but now i am a Hendersonian! By the way,i LOVE to eat chocolate,LOVE to shop and i LOVE soft toys like Domo and Elmo too! Sometimes,i like to slack but i enjoy dancing and listening to music. I like all kinds of music and really hope that my parents will allow me to play the drums. My favourite colours are PURPLE and BLACK and my favourite subjects are English and Science. I absolutely detest Mathematics but I am okay with Chinese. I hope to improve on my Math and hope to at least pass that subject! Now...The BIGGEST day of my life is the 09th of SEPTEMBER!! I hope to recieve presents from all of you!